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A. L. Vivaldi
 Fedrico Ferri
 Accademia degli Astrusi

| Home > ArtistsACCADEMIA DEGLI ASTRUSI The Academy Astrusi , with musical direction by Federico Ferri , after the many significant results of the public and critics , has established itself as one of the most important of the international baroque scene becoming in 2013 Sony artist .
Numerous reviews , radio and television broadcasts , including live for BBC Radio 3 and RAI , testify to the success achieved in contexts such as the Konzerthaus Berlin , Opéra National de Bordeaux , Festival Rota dos Monumentos Lisbon , London's Wigmore Hall , Bijloke Muziekcentrum Gent , Festival MiTo September , Friends of Music of Florence , IUC of Rome , Monteverdi , Stresa Festival , Reate Festival , Perugia , Classical Music Association Mariani , Unione Musicale of Turin and Concerts of the Quirinale .
The Academy Astrusi has created a multi-year project of the rediscovery of the complete works of instrumental Giovanni Battista Martini , relevant musical heritage largely unpublished. The valuable work of the Bolognese composer is proposed with both the record edition premiered , that with the critical edition published by Suvini - Zerboni by Federico Ferri and Daniele Proni .
Within this project the Astrusi were protagonists of the " Festival Martini " and have also staged two rare interludes of Franciscan master of Mozart , in co-production with the Teatro Comunale di Bologna , with Laura Polverelli and Aldo Caputo and with set design is from original sketches of Dario Fo .
With the Academy Astrusi perform regularly soloists such as Anna Caterina Antonacci , Sara Mingardo , Stefano Montanari . Several productions were broadcast by Sky Classica , Unitel TV, Rai Uno , Rai Tre , Rai 5 , and frequent appearances in major issuers circuit Euroradio ( Radio Catalunya , ERR Klassika , NRK , BR Klassik , Concertzender ) .
He recently had great success with his return to the Wigmore Hall and has represented Bologna , as the orchestra musical ambassador of the city , in Ghent as part of Unesco Music Days.
In 2014 there will be concerts in La Monnaie , Auditorio Nacional in Madrid , Auditorio Principe Felipe in Oviedo , a prestigious opera production at the Festival MiTo Settembremusica.
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